Function nvapi_sys::gpu::pstate::NvAPI_GPU_GetDynamicPstatesInfoEx
pub unsafe fn NvAPI_GPU_GetDynamicPstatesInfoEx(
hPhysicalGPU: NvPhysicalGpuHandle,
pDynamicPstatesInfoEx: *mut NV_GPU_DYNAMIC_PSTATES_INFO_EX
) -> NvAPI_Status
This API retrieves the NV_GPU_DYNAMIC_PSTATES_INFO_EX structure for the specified physical GPU.
Each domain's info is indexed in the array. For example: - pDynamicPstatesInfo->utilization[NVAPI_GPU_UTILIZATION_DOMAIN_GPU] holds the info for the GPU domain.
There are currently 4 domains for which GPU utilization and dynamic P-State thresholds can be retrieved: - graphic engine (GPU) - frame buffer (FB) - video engine (VID) - bus interface (BUS)